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Build and install

Table of contents

  1. Supported compilers
  2. Dependencies
  3. Build and install
    1. The simplest case
    2. Use with dependency manager
    3. Dependency management
      1. ‘internal’ mode
      2. ‘external-boost’ mode
      3. ‘external’
    4. Additional CMake build flags
  4. Link with you projects

Supported compilers

Compilation of Jinja2C++ tested on the following compilers (with C++14 enabled feature):

  • Linux gcc 5.0 - 11.2
  • Linux clang 3.8 - 13.0.0
  • MacOS X-Code 9 - 13
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015-2022 x86, x64
  • MinGW 7, 8


Jinja2C++ has several external dependencies:

For testing purposes:

Build and install

The simplest case

In simplest case, if you don’t want to understand Jinja2C++ build script internals, you can follow these easy steps. Jinja2C++ library is shipped with all dependencies as a submodules and can use them. So, you have to:

  1. Install CMake build system (at least version 3.5)
  2. Clone jinja2cpp repository and update submodules:
    > git clone
    > cd Jinja2Cpp
    > git submodule -q update --init
  3. Create build directory:
    > mkdir .build
  4. Run CMake and build the library:
    > cd .build
    > cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path to install folder> -DJINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE=internal
    > cmake --build . --target install

    “Path to install folder” here is a path to the folder where you want to install Jinja2Cpp lib. DJINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE define with internal value creates the build script which will take external dependencies from the submodules.

  5. Build library:
    > cmake --build .
  6. Install library (if necessary):
    > cmake --build .

Use with dependency manager

Jinja2C++ can be used as package. In this case you should do the following steps:

  1. Install according to the documentation ( )
  2. Add reference to Jinja2C++ package (jinja2cpp/1.2.1) to your conanfile.txt, or CMakeLists.txt. For instance, with usage of conan-cmake integration it could be written this way:
include (../../cmake/conan.cmake)
    set (CONAN_SETTINGS SETTINGS compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11)
endif ()

                BUILD missing)

set (TARGET_NAME jinja2cpp_build_test)

add_executable (${TARGET_NAME} main.cpp)

target_link_libraries (${TARGET_NAME} ${CONAN_LIBS})
set_target_properties (${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES
            CXX_STANDARD 14

Dependency management

Different projects require follow different ways for dependencies management. In some cases it’s enough to build Jinja2C++ with the internal dependencies only. In other cases it could be necessary that Jinja2C++ use the externally-provided libraries (for instance, boost). To handle this cases Jinja2C++ supports several external dependencies management modes. This modes control via JINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE variable.

‘internal’ mode

In this mode Jinja2C++ will take all necessary dependencies (both for library build and tests build) from the submodules. This mode suitable when your project has no other dependencies or these dependencies aren’t shared with Jinja2C++ deps. cmake invocation for this mode is quite simple:

> cmake <path_to_jinja2cpp_root> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DJINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE=internal

This mode is default for the upstream (master) branch. But for releases branch you need to specify this mode manually.

Sample projects for this mode can be found here: and here:

‘external-boost’ mode

The boost library is wildly used (except of other Jinja2C++ dependencies), so it’s possible to build Jinja2C++ with only boost provided as an external dependencies. In this case Jinja2C++ will take boost from the outside of the project tree, but all other dependencies will be taken from the submodules. Jinja2C++ build system tries to find boost with the standard find_package approach, so, it’s necessary for this mode that path to the boost is provided with the standard ways (such as BOOST_ROOT environment variable). cmake invocation for this mode is also quite simple:

> cmake <path_to_jinja2cpp_root> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DJINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE=external-boost

Sample projects for this mode can be found here: and here:


In this mode all Jinja2C++ build system tries to find all necessary dependencies outside the project tree. Path to the projects should be provided via CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable. This mode is suitable when you want to handle all external libs for your project manually and separately. cmake invocation for this mode is also quite simple:

cmake <path_to_jinja2cpp_root> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DJINJA2CPP_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DJINJA2CPP_DEPS_MODE=external -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="thirdparty/expected-lite;thirdparty/variant-lite;thirdparty/optional-lite;thirdparty/string-view-lite;thirdparty/fmt

This mode is default for the releases branches in order to make archives with Jinja2C++ sources compilable by default.

Sample projects for this mode can be found here: and here:

Additional CMake build flags

You can define (via -D command line CMake option) the following build flags:

  • JINJA2CPP_BUILD_TESTS (default TRUE) - to build or not to Jinja2C++ tests.
  • JINJA2CPP_STRICT_WARNINGS (default TRUE) - Enable strict mode compile-warnings(-Wall -Werror and etc).
  • JINJA2CPP_MSVC_RUNTIME_TYPE (default /MD) - MSVC runtime type to link with (if you use Microsoft Visual Studio compiler). Notice: You don’t need to add d suffix which means Debug version of runtime. Suffix is added automatically.
  • JINJA2CPP_BUILD_SHARED (default FALSE) - to build shared version of Jinja2C++ libraries

Jinja2C++ is a CMake project and follow the standard ways of the CMake project find script implementation. So, you can either include Jinja2C++ as a subproject of your project. In this case you should link against jinja2cpp target. All necessary settings are already associated with this target. For instance:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR)
project (Jinja2CppBuildTest CXX)

set (TARGET_NAME jinja2cpp_build_test)


add_subdirectory (${JINJA2CPP_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/thirdparty/jinja2cpp)

add_executable (${TARGET_NAME} main.cpp)

target_link_libraries (${TARGET_NAME} jinja2cpp)
set_target_properties (${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES
            CXX_STANDARD 14

Sample project for this build type you can find here:

Or you can build Jinja2C++ library separately, install it and the find it via find_package cmake function. In this case:

  1. You should build Jinja2C++ with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable defined and then install it: shell script cmake thirdparty/Jinja2Cpp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../.jinja2cpp-install -DJINJA2CPP_BUILD_TESTS=OFF cmake --build . --target install
  2. You should provide path to the Jinja2C++ library directory to the cmake invocation of your project: shell script cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Djinja2cpp_DIR=../.jinja2cpp-install/lib/jinja2cpp
  3. In the CMake script of your project you should find Jinja2C++ with the find_package invocation:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR)
project (Jinja2CppBuildTest CXX)

set (TARGET_NAME jinja2cpp_build_test)

find_package(jinja2cpp REQUIRED)

add_executable (${TARGET_NAME} main.cpp)

target_link_libraries (${TARGET_NAME} jinja2cpp)
set_target_properties (${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES
            CXX_STANDARD 14